Optimized high speed nRF24L01+ driver class documentation v1.4.11
TMRh20 2020 - Optimized fork of the nRF24L01+ driver
This library fork is designed to be...
See the releases' descriptions on the library's release page for a list of changes.
The table below shows how to connect the the pins of the NRF24L01(+) to different boards. CE and CSN are configurable.
PIN | NRF24L01 | Arduino UNO | ATtiny25/45/85 [0] | ATtiny44/84 [1] | LittleWire [2] | RPI | RPi -P1 Connector |
1 | GND | GND | pin 4 | pin 14 | GND | rpi-gnd | (25) |
2 | VCC | 3.3V | pin 8 | pin 1 | regulator 3.3V required | rpi-3v3 | (17) |
3 | CE | digIO 7 | pin 2 | pin 12 | pin to 3.3V | rpi-gpio22 | (15) |
4 | CSN | digIO 8 | pin 3 | pin 11 | RESET | rpi-gpio8 | (24) |
5 | SCK | digIO 13 | pin 7 | pin 9 | SCK | rpi-sclk | (23) |
6 | MOSI | digIO 11 | pin 6 | pin 7 | MOSI | rpi-mosi | (19) |
7 | MISO | digIO 12 | pin 5 | pin 8 | MISO | rpi-miso | (21) |
8 | IRQ | - | - | - | - | - | - |