Optimized high speed nRF24L01+ driver class documentation v1.4.11
TMRh20 2020 - Optimized fork of the nRF24L01+ driver
No Matches
Linux cross-compilation

Table of Contents

These instructions are no longer recommended because they involve disabling security measures for the target system. Please try the instructions using CMake.

RF24 library supports cross-compilation. Advantages of cross-compilation:

  • development tools don't have to be installed on target machine
  • resources of target machine don't have to be sufficient for compilation
  • compilation time can be reduced for large projects

Following prerequisites need to be assured:

  • ssh password-less access to target machine Here is a hint
  • sudo of a remote user without password Here is a hint
  • cross-compilation toolchain for your target machine; for RPi
    git clone https://github.com/raspberrypi/tools rpi_tools
    and cross-compilation tools must be in PATH, for example
    export PATH=$PATH:/your/dir/rpi-tools/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian-x64/bin

Cross compilation steps

  1. clone RF24 to a machine for cross-compilation
    git clone https://github.com/nRF24/RF24
    cd RF24
  2. configure for cross compilation
    ./configure --remote=pi@target_linux_host
    ./configure --remote=pi@target_linux_host --driver=<driver>
  3. build
  4. (optional) install library to cross-compilation machine into cross-environment - important for compilation of examples
    sudo make install
  5. upload library to target machine
    make upload
  6. (optional) compile examples
    cd examples_linux
  7. (optional) upload examples to target machine
    make upload