Optimized high speed nRF24L01+ driver class documentation v1.4.11
TMRh20 2020 - Optimized fork of the nRF24L01+ driver
No Matches
Python Wrapper


We recommend using the newer pyRF24 package available from pypi because

  1. it is practically drop-in compatible
  2. easier to install or get updates with popular package managers like pip
  3. does not require the C++ libraries to be installed – it uses its own isolated binaries
  4. includes wrappers for RF24, RF24Network, RF24Mesh libraries
  5. includes a new fake BLE implementation
  6. has its own dedicated documentation
  7. is compatible with python's builtin help()
  8. includes typing stub files for type checking tools like mypy

The only reason that you should need to keep using these older individual python wrappers is if you must use python v3.6 or older.

You cannot use these individual wrappers in combination with the pyRF24 package.

Python Wrapper Prerequisites

These instructions work for the RF24, RF24Network, and RF24Mesh libraries, but the C++ source code needs to be built and installed for the corresponding python wrapper(s) to work.

See also
Review installing with CMake and Linux/RPi General.
The interrupt_configure.py example uses the gpiod library to watch the radio's IRQ pin.
Recent updates to pip mandate that users manage a python virtual environment. This is good practice because it avoids the risk that installing a package with pip will mess up a system-installed package.

For information about using up a python virtual environment, see the official instructions using the python standard library venv (which is a minimized variant of the virtualenv library).

There's also a note at the end of these instructions that talks about using sudo within a python virtual environment.


sudo apt-get install python-dev libboost-python-dev python-pip

Next, install some up-to-date python packages.

python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools


sudo apt-get install python3-dev libboost-python-dev python3-pip


If using older versions of RF24* libraries with python3, the setup.py script needed a manually created symlink for the boost.python library.
sudo ln -s $(ls /usr/lib/$(ls /usr/lib/gcc | tail -1)/libboost_python3*.so | tail -1) /usr/lib/$(ls /usr/lib/gcc | tail -1)/libboost_python3.so
This is no longer needed with the latest versions of RF24 libraries.
  1. Install the library.

    This step needs to be executed from the appropriate directory of the cloned RF24* repository:

    • navigate to pyRF24 directory in the RF24 cloned repository
    • navigate to RPi/pyRF24Network directory in the RF24Network cloned repository
    • navigate to pyRF24Mesh directory in the RF24Mesh cloned repository

    When in the correct directory, run the following command:

    python3 -m pip install -v .
    Building/installing takes several minutes on arm-based machines. Machines with RAM less than 1GB may need to increase amount of swap for build. The -v option enables pip's verbose output to show that the process has not frozen.

    See the additional Platform Support pages for information on connecting your hardware.

    See the included *.py files in the "examples_linux" folder for usage information.

  2. Running the Example

    The python examples location differ for each RF24* repositories.

    • navigate to examples_linux directory in the RF24 cloned repository
    • navigate to RPi/pyRF24Network/examples directory in the RF24Network cloned repository
    • navigate to examples_RPi directory in the RF24Mesh cloned repository

    Navigate to the examples_linux directory

    cd ../examples_linux

    Edit the getting_started.py example to configure the appropriate pins per the Linux/RPi General documentation.

    nano getting_started.py

    Configure another device, Arduino or RPi with the same example code. It could be C++ or python (see the list of available examples), but we'll use the same example file on a different device in this tutorial.

    Run the example

    python getting_started.py

    or for python3

    python3 getting_started.py

    Running the python wrappers built with 'pigpio' or 'RPi' drivers requires sudo permission.

    If you are working in a python virtual environment (aka "venv"), then the virtual environment's python executable must be specified after sudo. Otherwise, sudo may invoke the system-installed python executable which can lead to errors.

    Assuming the python virtual environment is located in ~/venv, use the following command:

    sudo ~/venv/bin/python getting_started.py

    This sudo advice must be observed even while the virtual environment is activated.

    See more information about python virtual environments in the python documentation.