Optimized high speed nRF24L01+ driver class documentation v1.4.11
TMRh20 2020 - Optimized fork of the nRF24L01+ driver
2014 Contribution by tong67
Updated 2020 by 2bndy5 for the SpenceKonde ATTinyCore
The RF24 library uses the ATTinyCore by SpenceKonde
This sketch is a duplicate of the ManualAcknowledgements.ino example (without all the Serial input/output code), and it demonstrates a ATTiny25/45/85 or ATTiny24/44/84 driving the nRF24L01 transceiver using the RF24 class to communicate with another node.
A simple example of sending data from 1 nRF24L01 transceiver to another with manually transmitted (non-automatic) Acknowledgement (ACK) payloads. This example still uses ACK packets, but they have no payloads. Instead the acknowledging response is sent with write()
. This tactic allows for more updated acknowledgement payload data, where actual ACK payloads' data are outdated by 1 transmission because they have to loaded before receiving a transmission.
This example was written to be used on 2 devices acting as "nodes".