RF24Mesh - Automated Networking for nrf24L01 & nrf52x radios v2.0.2
2024 - A user friendly mesh overlay for sensor neworks using RF24Network
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Mesh Networking Layer for RF24 Radios

This class intends to provide a simple and seamless 'mesh' layer for sensor networks, allowing automatic and dynamic configuration that can be customized to suit many scenarios. It is currently designed to interface directly with with the RF24Network library, an OSI Network Layer using nRF24L01(+) or NRF52x radios driven by the RF24 library or nrf_to_nrf library.


  • Provide a simple user interface for creating dynamic sensor networks with the RF24 and RF24Network libraries.
  • Create stable, fully automated/self-managed networks

News - 2023 API Changes

Introducing RF24Network & RF24Mesh v2.0 with some significant API changes, adding the use of C++ Templates in order to support a range of ESB enabled radios, most recently NRF52x radios.

Important Notes:

  • Any network layer that uses v2 needs to have RF24Network/RF24Mesh dependencies of v2 or newer. RF24 v1.x is an exception here.
  • General usage should remain backward compatible, see the included examples of the related libraries for more info
  • Any third party libs that extend the network/mesh layer may also need to be updated to incorporate the new templated class prototypes:
    template<class radio_t>
    class ESBNetwork;
    template<class network_t, class radio_t>
    class ESBMesh;
  • Third party libs should also be able to use the backward-compatible typedef in their template:
    • ESBGateway.h:
      template<typename network_t, typename mesh_t>
      class ESBGateway
      and inform the compiler what types they intend to support:
    • ESBGateway.cpp:
      template class ESBGateway<RF24Network, RF24Mesh>;
  • The auto installers do not perform a version check like package managers, so having the correct versions of the software is important.
  • We will be maintaining the v1.x versions with bugfixes etc for those who cannot or do not wish to migrate to the newer template approach.

See a the list of changes on the Github releases page

RF24Mesh Overview

The RF24Network library provides a system of addressing and routing for RF24 radio modules that allows large wireless sensor networks to be constructed.

RF24Mesh provides extended features, including automatic addressing and dynamic configuration of wireless sensors.

How does it work?

Nodes are assigned a unique number ranging from 1 to 255, and just about everything else, addressing, routing, etc. is managed by the library.

The unique identifier is like an IP address, used to communicate at a high level within the RF24 communication stack and will generally remain static. At the network layer, the physical radio addresses, similar to MAC addresses, are allocated as nodes move around and establish connections within the network.

The 'master' node keeps track of the unique nodeIDs and the assigned RF24Network addresses. When a node is moved physically, or just loses its connection to the network, it can automatically re-join the mesh and reconfigure itself within the network.

In the mesh configuration sensors/nodes can move around physically, far from the 'master node' using other nodes to route traffic over extended distances. Addressing and topology is reconfigured as connections are broken and re-established within different areas of the network.

RF24Mesh takes advantage of functionality and features within the RF24 and RF24Network libraries, so everything from addressing, routing, fragmentation/re-assembly (very large payloads) are handled automatically with processes designed to support a multi-node radio network.

How to learn more