RF24Ethernet - TCP/IP over RF24Network v1.6.16
TMRh20 - Pushing the practical limits of RF24 modules
No Matches

Updated: TMRh20 2014

This is an example of how to use the RF24Ethernet class to create a web server which will allow you to connect via any device with a web-browser. The url is http://your_chosen_IP:1000

* *************************************************************************
* RF24Ethernet Arduino library by TMRh20 - 2014-2015
* Automated (mesh) wireless networking and TCP/IP communication stack for RF24 radio modules
* RF24 -> RF24Network -> UIP(TCP/IP) -> RF24Ethernet
* -> RF24Mesh
* Documentation: http://nRF24.github.io/RF24Ethernet/
* *************************************************************************
* What it does?:
* RF24Ethernet allows tiny Arduino-based sensors to automatically
* form and maintain an interconnected, wireless mesh network capable of utilizing
* standard (TCP/IP) protocols for communication. ( Nodes can also use
* the underlying RF24Network/RF24Mesh layers for internal communication. )
* Any device with a browser can connect to and control various sensors, and/or the sensors
* can communicate directly with any number of IP based systems.
* Why?
* Enabling TCP/IP directly on the sensors enables users to connect directly
* to the sensor nodes with any standard browser, http capable tools, or with
* virtually any related protocol. Nodes are able to handle low level communications
* at the network layer and/or TCP/IP based connections.
* Remote networks can be easily interconnected using SSH tunnelling, VPNs etc., and
* sensor nodes can be configured to communicate without the need for an intermediary or additional programming.
* Main Features:
* 1. Same basic feature set as any Arduino Ethernet adapter, only wireless...
* 2. Uses RPi OR Arduino+Linux OR Arduino + any SLIP capable device as the wireless gateway/router.
* 3. Easy Arduino configuration: Just assign a unique IP address to each node, ending in 2-255 (ie:
* *Linux devices use standard TCP/IP networking (IPTABLES,NAT,etc) and tools (wget, ftp, curl, python...)
* 4. Automated (mesh) networking creates and maintains network connectivity as nodes join the network or move around
* 5. Automated, multi-hop routing allows users to greatly extend the range of RF24 devices
* 6. API based on the official Arduino Ethernet library. ( https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/Ethernet )
* 7. RF24Gateway (companion program for RPi) provides a user interface that automatically handles TCP/IP
* data, and is easily modified to handle custom RF24Network/RF24Mesh data.
* 8. Reduce/Remove the need for custom applications. Any device with a browser can connect directly to the sensors!
* 9. Handle (relatively) large volumes of data and file transfers automatically.
* *************************************************************************
* Example Network:
* In the following example, 8 Arduino devices have assembled themselves into a
* wireless mesh network, with 3 sensors attached directly to RPi/Linux. Five
* additional sensors are too far away to connect directly to the RPi/Gateway,
* so they attach automatically to the closest sensor, which will automatically
* relay all communications for the distant node.
* Example network:
* Arduino 4 <-> Arduino 1 <-> Raspberry Pi <-> Webserver
* Arduino 5 <-> OR Arduino+Linux <-> Database
* Arduino 6 <-> <-> PHP
* <-> BASH (Wget, Curl, etc)
* Arduino 7 <-> Arduino 2 <-> <-> Web-Browser
* Arduino 8 <-> <-> Python
* Arduino 3 <-> <-> NodeJS
* <-> SSH Tunnel <-> Remote RF24Ethernet Sensor Network
* <-> VPN <->
* In addition to communicating with external systems, the nodes are able to
* communicate internally using TCP/IP, and/or at the RF24Mesh/RF24Network
* layers.
* **************************************************************************
* Example:
* RF24Ethernet Simple Server(Mesh) Example, using RF24Mesh for address allocation
* This example demonstrates how to send out an HTTP response to a browser.
* Documentation: http://nRF24.github.io/RF24Ethernet/
#include <RF24Network.h>
#include <RF24.h>
#include <SPI.h>
//#include <printf.h>
#include <RF24Ethernet.h>
#include "RF24Mesh.h"
/** Configure the radio CE & CS pins **/
RF24 radio(7, 8);
RF24Network network(radio);
RF24Mesh mesh(radio, network);
RF24EthernetClass RF24Ethernet(radio, network, mesh);
// Set up the server to listen on port 1000
void setup() {
// Set up the speed of our serial link.
// Set the IP address we'll be using. The last octet of the IP must be equal
// to the designated mesh nodeID
IPAddress myIP(10, 10, 2, 4);
// If you'll be making outgoing connections from the Arduino to the rest of
// the world, you'll need a gateway set up.
IPAddress gwIP(10, 10, 2, 2);
// Listen for incoming connections on TCP port 1000. Each incoming
// connection will result in the uip_callback() function being called.
// If no data is received from an incoming connection in the first 30 seconds,
// close the connection
uint32_t mesh_timer = 0;
void loop() {
// Optional: If the node needs to move around physically, or using failover nodes etc.,
// enable address renewal
if (millis() - mesh_timer > 30000) { //Every 30 seconds, test mesh connectivity
mesh_timer = millis();
if (!mesh.checkConnection()) {
Serial.println("*** RENEW ***");
//refresh the network address
if (mesh.renewAddress() == MESH_DEFAULT_ADDRESS) {
} else {
Serial.println("*** MESH OK ***");
if (EthernetClient client = server.available()) {
while (client.waitAvailable() > 0) {
// Send an HTML response to the client. Default max size/characters per write is 90
client.print("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n Content-Type: text/html\r\n Connection: close \r\nRefresh: 5 \r\n\n");
client.print("<!DOCTYPE HTML>\n <html> HELLO FROM ARDUINO!</html>");
// We can do other things in the loop, but be aware that the loop will
// briefly pause while IP data is being processed.
RF24EthernetClass RF24Ethernet
#define Ethernet
#define EthernetClient
#define EthernetServer