RF24Gateway - TCP/IP over RF24Network v2.0.0
TMRh20 - Pushing the practical limits of RF24 modules
No Matches

A copy of the RF24GatewayNode example using interrupts.

#include <RF24/RF24.h>
#include <RF24Network/RF24Network.h>
#include <RF24Mesh/RF24Mesh.h>
#include <RF24Gateway/RF24Gateway.h>
//RF24 radio(RPI_V2_GPIO_P1_15, BCM2835_SPI_CS0, BCM2835_SPI_SPEED_8MHZ);
RF24 radio(22, 0);
RF24Network network(radio);
RF24Mesh mesh(radio, network);
RF24Gateway gw(radio, network, mesh);
void intHandler()
//Handle RF24Network reads/routing and read/writes of the tun_nrf24 TUN/TAP interface via interrupt
uint32_t mesh_timer = 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
//Config for use with RF24Mesh as Master Node
//uint8_t nodeID=0;
//Config for use with RF24Mesh as child Node
// uint8_t nodeID = 1;
// gw.begin(nodeID);
//Config for use without RF24Mesh
// uint16_t RF24NetworkAddress = 0;
// gw.begin(RF24NetworkAddress);
//Set this to your chosen IP/Subnet
char ip[] = "";
char subnet[] = "";
gw.setIP(ip, subnet);
radio.maskIRQ(1, 1, 0);
attachInterrupt(23, INT_EDGE_FALLING, intHandler);
uint32_t failCounter = 0;
while (1) {
// The gateway handles all IP traffic (marked as EXTERNAL_DATA_TYPE) and passes it to the associated network interface
// RF24Network user payloads are loaded into the user cache
if (network.available()) {
RF24NetworkHeader header;
size_t size = network.peek(header);
uint8_t buf[size];
network.read(header, &buf, size);
printf("Received Network Message, type: %d id %d from %d\n", header.type, header.id, mesh.getNodeID(header.from_node));
if (millis() - mesh_timer > 30000 && mesh.getNodeID() > 0) { //Every 30 seconds, test mesh connectivity
mesh_timer = millis();
if (!mesh.checkConnection()) {
//refresh the network address
//This section checks for failures detected by RF24 & RF24Network as well as
//checking for deviations from the default configuration (1MBPS data rate)
//The mesh is restarted on failure and failure count logged to failLog.txt
//This makes the radios hot-swappable, disconnect & reconnect as desired, it should come up automatically
if (radio.failureDetected > 0 || radio.getDataRate() != RF24_1MBPS) {
radio.failureDetected = 0;
std::ofstream myFile;
if (myFile.is_open()) {
myFile << ++failCounter << "\n";
//When using interrupts, gw.poll(); needs to be called to handle incoming data from the network interface.
return 0;